Day of the
Dead is very diverse in Peru. It is celebrated differently in the urban area
than in rural area. In rural areas, they make altars in homes commemorating the
deceased family with food and objects they liked. That's right , is Brought to
the cemetery the next day , after stopping overnight resting at the family home
in Which They believe , the dead come back to enjoy the food and objects That
WILL stopped there. The next day, they pray and bless the food, and then a Eat
with the family. And at the cemetery, together they visit the grave of
Celebrated and arranged with flowers and ornaments, to honor His memory. However,
in urban areas, They Have lost some ancient traditions, now only Attend Mass or
to the cemetery to visit their dead. Sometimes also they meet in the house of
the deceased, for coffee and conversation remembering
The celebration of All Saints ' graveyards
Philippines becomes a big party where no lack of huge amounts of drinks, many
poker games and even karaoke competitions . Every first of November , the
cemeteries become a rowdy sea of candles, bouquets and families awnings
placed on the graves of their loved ones, where they spend the whole day . The
usual tranquility of these places gives way to a cacophony in which the cries
of many children always with prayers and loud conversations of adults mix.
Religious celebrations are paramount in the Philippines , but the Day of All
Saints is one of the most important and attractive , because the way this takes
place usually amaze tourists who are lucky enough to experience the situation
in meat own .
In various states of Mexico various activities to commemorate this date are made. In the cemeteries , for
example, the night of November 1 family go to visit their dead. In the tomb they assemble their altars , dine and spend the night there perhaps even accompanied with mariachi music .
The offerings and altars have great symbolism. In these various objects using the deceased in life and those
who serve him in the underworld they are placed. Flowers for processing ( cempasuchit, bright yellow flower that will guide the souls of the dead) food ( sugar skulls , pan de muertos, pumpkin blemish, mezcal, atole,
tequila ) toys, candles, incense, salt used, water, confetti, portraits of the deceased or cigarettes.